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Welcome to ISYY’s 9th Annual Jubilee on 16 March 2019 in Kuopio!

Wed Feb 20 12:15:00 2019

Welcome to celebrate the 9th Annual Jubilee of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY)! The Annual Jubilee is held on Saturday 16 March 2019 in Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi in Kuopio. 


The greeting reception starts at 4:30 pm on Saturday 16 March at VB Photographic Centre (Kuninkaankatu 14–16). Please reserve your greeting turn when registering. 

After the event, we will proceed to Original Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi’s banquet room Puikkari (Minna Canthin katu 16), where the Jubilee Dinner starts at 6 pm. 

After the festivities proper, we will proceed to the after-party in the restaurant Apteekkari at 11 pm (Vuorikatu 24).

Dinner Cards and the Menu

The price of the dinner card is 80 euros for ISYY members and 100 euros for other guests. You may choose between Menu Canth (includes meat) and Menu Topelius (vegan).

Menu Canth:

  • Salted and sugared salmon, coriander mayonnaise and salmon roe (L,G)
  • Smoked pork neck, bolete and oats risotto and tarragon sauce (L)
  • Blueberry sorbet, meadowsweet-almond cake and cottage cheese mousse (L,G)

Menu Topelius:

  • Roasted beetroot, lemon mayonnaise and hazelnuts
  • Gratin with pulled oats, seasonal green salad
  • Mango-passion sorbet, raspberry sauce

Dress Code

The dress code for the Annual Jubilee is a full evening dress or a dark suit with academic decorations.

Herring Breakfast

On Sunday 17 March we will gather for a Herring Breakfast at 12 o’clock noon at the Tiukanlinna facilities (Yliopistonranta 1 J). The price of the Herring Breakfast is 20 euros.

Transportation to the Herring Breakfast departs in front of Original Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi at 11:30 am where we will proceed to pick up passengers behind Kuopio City Hall at 11:45 am. Please be on time!

Accommodation and Transportation

Annual Jubilee guests have the option to rent hotel rooms at Original Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi. Twenty standard rooms have been reserved for the guests.

Prices: 100 €/ single room, 120 €/ double room. Special priced rooms can be reserved with the reservation code BISYY until 28 February 2019.

For the Annual Jubilee, free bus transport is available from Joensuu to Kuopio and back. The bus departs from Joensuu at 2:30 pm in front of the Carelia building and leaves from Kuopio at 1:30 am.

Registration and Payment Instructions

Register for the Annual Jubilee, the Herring Breakfast and the bus transport from Joensuu to Kuopio and back with the registration form. Please register only one person at a time. 

Invited guests should confirm their seats by registering no later than 1 March. Registration is binding and we will send a confirmation message to the guests with seats.

Register for the Annual Jubilee at:

Google Forms: ISYY's Annual Jubilee registration form (registration period has ended)

Make the payment by bank transfer to ISYY’s account:

  • Account number: FI59 5770 0520 2461 55 
  • Payee: the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland
  • Please write the following on the message field when making the payment: ISYY9v / names of the participants / the organization you represent / information on things included in the payment besides the dinner card, e.g. Herring Breakfast

Welcome to celebrate with us!


The partners of the Annual Jubilee are the University of Eastern Finland, the City of Kuopio, OP Pohjois-Savo, Ravintola Apteekkari and Menevä.

Read More:

Facebook: ISYY's Annual Jubilee Original Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi

Further Information:

Heli Komulainen, ISYY’s Annual Jubilee Toastmaster, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland,

Aleksi Kinnunen, the Executive Board Vice Chair, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. +358 44 576 8404,

Updated on 14.3.2019: Information on the ending of registration period and partners added.