The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland
The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) is an independent organisation, although closely linked with the university. The objectives of the student unions are outlined in the Universities Act. One of ISYY’s key objectives is to unite its members and, in addition, ISYY endeavors to improve students’ standing in society and provide high-quality services to its members. The Student Union is here for all our members - if you ever need help, we're always available and ready to protect your interests! ISYY is part of the Finnish student union network and a member of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL).
In addition to the services provided by the Student Union, as a member of ISYY you are able to access national and local student benefits. These include discounts on public transport and many shops and restaurants. Student Union members are also entitled to eat student priced meals at the canteens that are dotted around the campuses.
The Student Union is here for you and works hard to ensure you are happy with your life and studies during your time in Finland. We hope you will make yourself at home at the Student Union by joining our events, activities and clubs. You only have one (student) life - make the most of it!, opens in a new tab: Interest Advocacy
Street address of the Student Union (ISYY) Offices:
Joensuu Campus
Haltia Building, 2nd Floor, Yliopistokatu 7
Office: +358 (0) 44 576 8449 / toimisto.joensuu(at)
International Coordinator: +358 (0) 44 576 8456 / kv.joensuu(at)
Kuopio Campus
Studentia Building, entrance through door C, Yliopistonranta 15
Office: +358 (0) 44 576 8419 / toimisto.kuopio(at)
International Coordinator: +358 (0) 44 576 8413 / kv.kuopio(at)
Opening hours
Mon 10–12, 13–15
Tue 10–12, 13–15
Wed 12–16
Thu 10–12, 13–15
Fri closed
You can pay with cash or card at the ISYY office. However, please note that 50 € is the largest banknote we accept.
The Coordinator of International Affairs of the Student Union (ISYY) is there to help you with any matters related to student life. The Coordinator’s job is to look after the interests of the international students and to get their voice heard on the campus. You may turn to the Coordinator or any other staff member who works at the Student Union whenever you need help or guidance - there is no such thing as a stupid question!
Just pop into the office, call +358 44 576 8456 (Joensuu) / +358 44 576 8413 (Kuopio) or send an email to kv.joensuu(at) or kv.kuopio(at)
You can join the Student Union (ISYY) by paying the membership fee:
Degree students and Exchange students
PhD students
You can find more detailed instructions from the links below:, opens in a new tab: Degree students, opens in a new tab: Exchange students, opens in a new tab: Postgraduate students
STEP 1: Pay the Student Union (ISYY) membership fee and register your membership
You need to be a member of the Student Union (ISYY) to be eligible for a student card from Frank. For more information about joining the Student Union, see the links above.
STEP 2: Get your student card online
The student card is your official student ID and with the student card, you get many benefits and discounts. We recommend you download a free digital student card called Frank App from App Store or Google Play Store. Please note that the digital student card on Frank App cannot be used before your study right has started.
Another option is to order a basic plastic blue student card via Frank's website. The price of the plastic student card is EUR 25. Please note that you need to be living in Finland to order the plastic student card. If you have trouble ordering the card, please contact Frank’s customer service (info(at), opens in a new tab: Order a student card
Before ordering the plastic student card, make sure you have:
STEP 3: Collect your term sticker for your plastic student card
After you have submitted your payment and ordered your plastic card, wait for 2–4 weeks. Your student card will be delivered to your home address in Finland. Once you have received your student card, collect a term sticker from ISYY’s office. Please bring an official ID with a photo (e.g. passport) along when you come to collect the term sticker for the first time. Please remember that you have to collect a term sticker for your student card at the Student Union office each academic year. Without a valid sticker on your student card, you are not entitled to discounts and other benefits for students. If you chose the free digital app, you do not need to collect a sticker.
The Survival Package is a service that the Student Union offers to students who have joined ISYY. It is our way of helping students to get started with their life in their campus city. Most of the items are second-hand so the Survival Package is a good way to create less waste and be environmentally friendly. Check the contents of the Survival Package from our website.
There is a limited number of Survival Packages available on both campuses. If you would like to reserve a package before your arrival, please send an email to kv.joensuu(at) OR kv.kuopio(at) with the title ‘Survival Package Reservation’. Remember to mention your campus city in the message.You will be given instructions on how to pay for the package. The rental fee of the package is EUR 50, of which EUR 30 deposit will be given back to you if the package is returned back to the Student Union office undamaged, clean and complete at the end of your stay in your campus city.
ISYY offices have a second-hand shelf where you can buy cheap kitchen items in case you did not get a Survival Package or need some extra items., opens in a new tab: Survival packages
Joensuu's Exchange and International Students (JEIS) is a Student Union (ISYY) club dedicated to serve the interests of the international and homecoming students. The most important task of the club is to introduce Finnish culture and lifestyle to international students and to give Finnish students an opportunity to gain international experiences in Joensuu by organising events and activities. In addition, JEIS is active in promoting intercultural understanding on campus and in the campus city.
JEIS activities range from cultural to informational events and they include social, cultural and sports events. For example, at the beginning of every semester there is a Get to Know Each Other party. Recurring events are, for instance, international dinners and sitsit parties.
All members of the Student Union (ISYY) are automatically members of JEIS. Most of the events and activities are free of charge and all you need is a valid student card, but some events have a small participation fee. Everyone is invited to join the club, regardless of their field of study or background – JEIS is there to make your stay in Finland more meaningful and fun!
Feel free to follow the club on social media!, opens in a new tab: Joensuu's Exchange and International Students - JEIS, opens in a new tab: JEIS
JEIS offers a free Welcome Bag to incoming international students who join ISYY in Joensuu. The Welcome Bag includes, for example, lots of useful information, small free items and special offers to clubs and venues. The Welcome Bags are available at the Student Union office.
SYKETTÄ Sports Services offer a wide variety of sports to students and staff of UEF at a very affordable price. They have more than 50 different fitness classes and several different types of ball sports on offer, as well as gyms for members to use.
Register yourself as a present student at UEF. Then, register as a user on the SYKETTÄ website with your UEF email and buy a sports sticker at the ISYY office or on the SYKETTÄ website. More information and detailed instructions on how to register as a SYKETTÄ user can be found on the website.
Sykettä.fi, opens in a new tab: SYKETTÄ Joensuu
Sykettä.fi, opens in a new tab: SYKETTÄ Kuopio
If you have any questions, please contact:
Joensuu: Heli Aalto, the Sykettä Sports Coordinator.
Tel: +358 44 576 8445, email: liikuntasuunnittelija(at)
Kuopio: Sirpa Risto, University Sports Coordinator
Tel: +358 (0) 44 576 8446, email: liikuntasuunnittelija.kuopio(at)
Weekly Feed is the Student Union’s English language newsletter. It is sent on Tuesdays (excluding holidays) directly to the e-mail addresses of those who have subscribed to it. Weekly Feed newsletter is a useful point of reference to the international students as it combines local events, news and anything that might be relevant to our international students – all in one place.
If you would like to receive the Weekly Feed to your e-mail, you can subscribe to it on our website. There is a Weekly Feed newsletter for both Joensuu and Kuopio, so make sure you subscribe to the newsletter for your campus city. The newsletter will be sent to your e-mail address next time it is published. If you experience any problems with Weekly Feed, please contact kv.joensuu(at) or kv.kuopio(at), opens in a new tab: Weekly Feed
In addition to our website, news and information in English can be found on ISYY's Facebook page. Also, please follow our Instagram @isyyuef., opens in a new tab: ISYY - Itä-Suomen yliopiston ylioppilaskunta, opens in a new tab: isyyuef
As an ISYY member you have the opportunity to influence many aspects of student life and participate in decision-making through:
You do not need to be affiliated with any political parties in order to participate in decision-making. Student advocacy is meaningful work and has far-reaching impacts both locally and nationally. It is essential that students are able to have their say about matters that have a direct impact on their own lives. You can even earn ECTS credits by acting as a student representative in administration!, opens in a new tab: Make an impact