What's on

Weekly Feed

Weekly Feed is the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland’s (ISYY) English language newsletter that comes out once a week on Tuesdays (excluding holidays). Weekly Feed is published on both Joensuu and Kuopio campuses and its content is somewhat different depending on the campus. 

Weekly Feed Provides You with Information on Studying and Student Life

From Weekly Feed, you will find ISYY’s latest news, information about events on your own campus and other useful information concerning students. 

Weekly Feed will be send electronically to the subscribers' email addresses on Tuesdays. Joensuu's Weekly Feed will be sent to students studying in Joensuu and Kuopio's Weekly Feed to students studying in Kuopio. 

The newsletters will not be published during holidays. Possible exceptions will be mentioned in the previous weeks' letters.

The Student Union also publishes a corresponding newsletter, Wiikko-Ärsyke, in Finnish on both campuses on Tuesdays. 

ISYY has an editorial team for the newsletter. The team consists of ISYY's Communications Specialist (Wiikko-Ärsyke in Joensuu and Kuopio), Coordinator of International Affairs in Kuopio (Kuopio's Weekly Feed) and Coordinator of International Affairs in Joensuu (Joensuu's Weekly Feed).

The editorial team's contact information can be found lower.

How to Receive Weekly Feed or Unsubscribe It

The email addresses of ISYY’s members will be added to the mailing list of Joensuu Weekly Feed or Kuopio Weekly Feed once a semester depending on the campus you are studying at. 

You can also join the mailing list of Joensuu Weekly Feed or Kuopio Weekly Feed yourself by using the subscription form. Please follow the instructions given in the subscription form.

With the same form you can also remove yourself from the mailing list of a specific newsletter. The newsletter coming to your personal email will also contain a link via which you can unsubscribe the newsletter.

You will find links to the subscription and cancellation forms from below. 

Subscription and Cancellation Forms for ISYY's Newsletters

Joensuu's Wiikko-Ärsyke subscription and cancellation form

Kuopio's Wiikko-Ärsyke subscription and cancellation form

Joensuu's Weekly Feed subscription and cancellation form

Kuopio's Weekly Feed subscription and cancellation form

Do You Have Material for Weekly Feeds?

Weekly Feed editorial teams both in Kuopio and in Joensuu are happy to promote events, activities and opportunities that might be of interest to international UEF students. Please send the material in the form requested, otherwise we might not publish it.

All the open vacancies ant training positions will be forwarded to JobTeaser-service, which is also the main announcement channel for the University of Eastern Finland.

Instructions for Sending the Material

  • Send a short (max. 500 characters including spaces), informative description of the event/activity in English to either kv.joensuu@isyy.fi (Joensuu events) or kv.kuopio@isyy.fi (Kuopio events) or both if it concerns both campuses. Please include at least the following information: date, time, place, possible admission fee and the event website/Facebook page.
  • If you want to include pictures, the optimal size is 270 x 270 px and the pictrure should be JPG- or JPEG-file. However, please make sure that you have the right to use the pictures that you are sending to ISYY. ISYY is not responsible if you do not. Also, please do not include too much text in the pictures.
  • We can not publish PDF- or other file-attachments.
  • Send the material a week before you want it to be featured.

Editorial team's contact information:

Joensuu's Wiikko-Ärsyke: tiedotus(at)isyy.fi
Kuopio's Wiikko-Ärsyke: tiedotus(at)isyy.fi
Joensuu's Weekly Feed: kv.joensuu(at)isyy.fi
Kuopio's Weekly Feed: kv.kuopio(at)isyy.fi

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