The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland
Bunsen ry is a student organisation for students majoring or minoring in chemistry. Our organisation was founded in 1980 and from that moment we have supervised our member’s benefits. Our active organisation brings our members together by creating many great parties and events.
Contact information: bunsenry(at)
More information: Facebook, Instagram
Echo ry is the English students’ student organisation in UEF. We organise different kinds of fun events more or less related to the English speaking culture and also help our students with any and all problems concerning studying in UEF. Every English student is welcome to join Echo.
Contact information: echo.uef(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Epsilon ry, founded in 1970, is the student organization of mathematics and physics students at the UEF, which looks after the interests of its members and organizes diverse events, from board game nights to cruises, cooperating with other subject organizations as well.
Contact information: epsilon(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Fides Ostiensis ry, founded in 1997, is the western theology students’ student organisation in UEF. Our central task is to protect the interests of the western theology students. We organise different kinds of events by ourselves and also together with other student associations.
Contact information:
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Godis ry, student organisation for Swedish students, takes care of its members interests and organises events for free time. For over 30 years Godis has been a part of Joensuu’s active student life both among its own members and with other student associations.
Contact information: godis.ry(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Iskra ry is a student organization for students of Russian language students in the University of Eastern Finland. Iskra ry was founded in 1974. It represents students of Russian language and also secures students’ interests. Iskra also organizes different events for both its members and with other student organizations. Russian culture has a big role in Iskra's activities.
Contact information: iskra.uef(at)
More information: Website, Instagram
Joensuun Metsäylioppilaat ry, founded in 1982, is a student organisation for students of Forestry in the University of Eastern Finland. Our association consists of the “Forstis” and “Torstis” studying to become Bachelors and Masters in Agriculture and Forestry.
Contact information: hallitus(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Joraus ry is a student organisation for students of subject teacher’s pedagogical studies. We unite students from various majors as any student who has been accepted to study pedagogical studies as their minor can join our organisation.
Contact information: joraus.maili(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Judica ry is a student organisation for students of legal science. Judica oversees the interests of its members at the Department of Law, offers several member benefits and organizes pleasant free time activities. Judica also acts as a link between local employers and students.
Contact information: puheenjohtaja(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Kassos ry, founded in 1973, is a student organisation for students studying education and adult education. Kassos has its members best ar heart and therefore we’re trying to arrange different kinds of fun activities in addition to studying. In order to ease one’s studies, Kassos is also a messenger between students and the faculty of education. By joining our activities and signing up for our e-mails, you’ll get information concerning our special interest groups and our upcoming events. As a member you can take part in planning, creating and enjoying our activies and being a part of our close group.
Contact information: kassosry.uef(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Kotex ry is the student association of teacher students of home economics and handcraft sciences. Kotex organises events and parties of all kind for their members. In events you’ll recognize us from our orange overalls, our positive stance and our way of doing things together. We participate in events with our Orange Energy-mindset.
Contact information: hallitus(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Legio Ostiensis ry or Legio is a student association for those studying to become specialized lawyers at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Economic Sciences at the Department of Law at the University of Eastern Finland. The degree studied by those in Legio is a law expert training qualifying for fields of law leading leading to Bachelor of Administrative Science (BAS) and Master of Science in Administration (MScA) degrees. The degrees of specialized lawyers are based on seven different majors, meaning that the students deepen their understanding and specialize to one field of law more deeply than the traditional law degrees. Different possible majors are European Law, Financial Law, Administrative Law, Legislative Studies, Civil Law, Environmental Law, and lastly Criminal Law, Juridical Procedure and Criminal Investigation. Legio offers its members fun and benefits in the form of events, advantages and lobbying.
Contact information: hallitus.legio(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Mikrovillus ry is an active student organisation for students majoring in biology. We organise various events such as the fall excursion, black dress Christmas party and 8-appro. Mikrovillus looks after the rights of its members and serves as a communication channel between students, faculty members, ISYY and other student organisations.
Contact information: mikrovillus.ry(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Nefa-Joensuu Ry is an association for students of Cultural Studies. The programme includes Literature, Folklore Studies and Culture Research majors. Additionally, Culture Research majors specialize in one of five fields: Ethnomusicology, Cultural Anthropology, Media Culture and Communications, Gender Studies, and Sociology of Art. Nefa takes part in promotion of the students’ interests, arranges events for leisure, and keeps contact with other Culture Studies students in Finland, as well as the trade union for art and culture professionals.
Contact information: nefajoensuu(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Oidipus ry is the student organisation of psychology at UEF. We arrange all kinds of fun events for all the psychology students exchange students included. On our website you can find more information about Oidipus ry and a link to our our group on Facebook. You can also email us if you have any questions. We are eager to meet you all.
Contact information: oidipusry(at)
More information: Website, Instagram
Opossumi ry is the student organisation of Career Counselling schooling in University of Eastern Finland. Wishes and needs of our members are the basis for our operations. Our mission is to represent our members and organize various events and free time activities for them. You’re welcome to join our vivacious student organization.
Contact information: opossumiry(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Optimi is the student organization for business students at the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu. Optimi’s aim is to improve the study environment and education for business students in UEF. Optimi organizes events for its members and other students.
Contact information: optimi(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Pistis ry is a student organisation for students of Orthodox Theology. Its primary task is to watch over the interests of its members. We are a small subject organization and we mainly organize various, small, activities that support the interest in studying and aim for relaxed enjoyment.
Contact information: pistis.ry(at)
More information: Website, Facebook
Poikkeus ry is a student organisation for students of Special Education. We want to make university studies a little more fun and eventful for everyone. We want everyone to have a good time in Joensuu in our exceptionally communal group of friends!
Contact information: poikkeusry(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Popsi ry is the classroom teacher students’ association in the Joensuu campus. Our association takes part in developing teachers’ education in the campus and watching over our members benefits. Popsi also organizes fun recreational events for our members and sometimes for all of the students in campus. You can recognize us from our new turquoise overalls and our senior members from red and blue overalls due to the merging of the campuses.
Contact information: popsiry(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Praxis ry is the student organisation of the students of social policy, sociology and philosophy at the University of Eastern Finland, founded in 1987. Praxis offers a variety of activities and plenty of parties, each greater than the last. By active participation in the student organisation activities you have the opportunity to make new friends, receive information on important issues having to do with your studies and influence what the future of the University of Eastern Finland looks like.
Contact information: praxis(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Skripti is the student organisation of the students of computing at the University of Eastern Finland. Our organisation watches over our members' benefits and organises events around the year. We also do a lot of cooperation with local companies of our field so that students are able to network already during their studies. You can recognise us from our silver-grey overalls!
Contact information: hallitus(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Sointi ry (founded in 2021) is a student organisation for students of logopedics at the University of Eastern Finland. Sointi's aim is to look after the rights of its members, to organize events for leisure and to be in contact with firms related to logopedics.
Contact information: hallitus.sointiry(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Sulo ry is a student organisation for students of Early childhood education. The main purpose of this organisation is the promotion of the interests of our members, and moreover organizing events and parties.
Contact information: sulory(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Description coming soon.
Tombolo ry is the student organisation of the students of geography, human geography, environmental policy and environmental law at the University of Eastern Finland, that works actively at the Joensuu campus. Tombolo was founded in 2015 when two old student organisations, Coriolis ry and Loikka ry combined their forces. Tombolo takes care of its members advocacy seeking and organises leisure activities.
Contact information: tombolo(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Täky ry (“Bait”) is the student organisation for Finnish and Literature students at the University of Eastern Finland. The association looks like its members and could be described as ‘interdisciplinary’ as well as ‘interartistic’. We wear blue overalls – it’s the same blue as on the Finnish flag. Since 1973, Täky has provided recreational activities and supervision of interests for its members who trudge in the dreary wilderness of credits. You’re welcome to join our diverse activities!
Contact information: taky(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Varnitsa ry is the student organisation for history students at the University of Eastern Finland Joensuu campus. It was founded in 1970. Varnitsa is one of the most active student organisations at our University. Varnitsa takes care of its members’ rights. It also arranges many activities from parties to sport events. Varnitsa ry is an open minded group where students of different ages and classes get along very well. Everyone are welcomed to join in!
Contact information: varnitsa.ry(at)
More information: Website, Facebook, Instagram