The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland
Thu Apr 11 10:14:00 2019
The Representative Council of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) will hold its third meeting this year on Tuesday 16 April at 6pm in rooms F111 (Joensuu) and 1037 (Tietoteknia, Kuopio).
The Chairperson of the Executive Board of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), Susanna Haverinen, has submitted her letter of resignation and according to the Student Union’s rules, the Representative Council must elect a new Executive Board for ISYY. A call for applicants for the Executive Board has been issued. The new Executive Board will be elected at the Representative Council meeting.
The Representative Council will also elect the Student Union’s Central Elections Committee, process the Student Union’s annual report and financial statement for the accounting period 1 January to 31 December 2018, and process the supplementary budget proposal.
You can find the Representative Council Meeting Notice 3/2019 in ISYY’s Documents folder: Representative Council Notices of Meeting > 2019.
Representative Council meetings are open to all ISYY members. Welcome!
You can also follow the meeting via a live stream: Stream Documents Call for Applicants: ISYY’s Executive Board End of Year 2019 (8.4.2019) The Chairperson of ISYY Executive Board Leaves Her Position of Trust – a New Executive Board Will Be Elected in April (5.4.2019)
Jonni Nykänen, Chairperson of the Representative Council, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8406,
Hannele Mirola, Secretary General (substitute), the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8417,