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ISYY: Hybrid Teaching for Increasingly Reachable Education - Putting Lessons Learned from the Pandemic into Good Use

Students in higher education as well as young people in general, have had to carry a substantial burden due to the pandemic response measures against the coronavirus. This is shown through increasing anxiety, cynical attitudes and feelings of loneliness among higher education students. The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) is pleased to hear of the decision of the University of Eastern Finland to move back to contact teaching starting from 31.1.2022. 

Time during the pandemic has resulted in the need to look at studying and teaching methods from an entirely new perspective. ISYY is however worried, that the pedagogical tools and solutions developed during the pandemic will not be incorporated into permanent teaching practices. 

– Students are a diverse group of people, who should not be locked into a singular model of teaching. Some are able to learn better remotely from home or elsewhere, whereas others on campus. Modern technology enables universities to take up student-centric learning and teaching irrespective of time or place, states Sami Tanskanen, the Chair of the ISYY Executive Board. 

The Student Union asserts that the University of Eastern Finland should develop its teaching practices towards increasingly multimodal methods, such as lecture recordings, interactive assignments and group discussions. In addition, contact teaching has a great role as a constructor of community and wellbeing among students, which makes it increasingly important that the university offers learning spaces and room on campus to study or attend teaching activities. 

– Time during the pandemic has been challenging to us all, but it also gives us an opportunity to foster a new, accessible culture around studying. UEF now has an incredible opportunity to empower and move forward with this culture, Tanskanen encourages. 

Additional Information:

Sami Tanskanen, Chair of the Executive Board, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, puheenjohtaja@isyy.fi, tel. 044 576 8400 

Sanna Heinonen, Secretary General, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, paasihteeri@isyy.fi, tel. 044 576 8417