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Night floorball tournament (BRIDGES, SYKETTÄ & SAVOTTA)

24.04.2023 - 25.04.2023 |Kuopio

Night floorball tournament is organized at Studentia on 24th of April. The games start at 9 pm. Student's from Savonia and UEF are welcome to play. You dont' need to have the SYKETTÄ sticker. There are two different kind of series: Serious business and Chill. And if you don't have a team you can enroll to the mixed team. The mixed team will play on Chill series.

Games will be played at the chill serious on the field small goals without goalkeeper and at the serious business on the field bigger goals with the goalkeeper. Playing time is 2 x 10 min. The last game ends before 3 am. There is room for max. 8 teams/series. There is snacks and drinks to participants, but note that event is non-alcohol. Three best teams from both series are rewarwed. The grand prize is 100 € gift card to S-group, 2nd prize 50 € gift card to S-group and 3rd prize is picnic food for the First of May (valued of 25 €).

Enroll your team before 21st of April at 2 pm from the link below. Please note that enroll is binding and if the team cancels its participation after the registration period or does not arrive, the penalty fee is 20 €.

Enroll your team for tournament

Docs.google.com/forms, opens in a new window: Yösählyturnauksen ilmoittautumislomake/Enrolling to the Night floorball tournament

The tournament is co-operate with SAVOTTA, ISYY BRIDGES project and SYKETTÄ Kuopio.

More information:

Sirpa Risto, SYKETTÄ Kuopio, liikuntasuunnittelija.kuopio(at)isyy.fi
Riina Pääkkönen, the BRIDGES project coordinator, riina.paakkonen(at)isyy.fi