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Answer ISYY's feedback survey of the Representative Council Elections

We are collecting anonymous feedback from the 2021 Representative Council Election work to develop our next Elections. The Representative Council Elections are held every other year and all ISYY members can nominate themselves as candidates. 39 Representative Council members are elected in the elections and they decide, among other things, the amount of ISYY membership fee, ISYY’s action plan and budget.

We hope that you could answer our survey by 5th of December by 23:59. We’ll raffle some movie tickets among the respondents.

Link to Google Forms, opens in new tab: Feedback Survey

Read More:

Isyy.fi, opens in a new tab: Representative Council Elections

More Information:

Sanna Heinonen, Secretary General, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. +358 44 576 8417, paasihteeri(at)isyy.fi

Elina Pitkänen, Coordinator of International Affairs and Administration, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. +358 44 576 8413, kv.kuopio(at)isyy.fi