
Call for Applicants: ISYY’s Executive Board End of Year 2019

Mon Apr 08 15:33:00 2019

Susanna Haverinen, the Chairperson of the Executive Board of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), has submitted her letter of resignation. According to the rules of the Student Union, the Representative Council must elect a new Executive Board for ISYY. The new Executive Board will be elected at the Representative Council meeting on Tuesday 16 April 2019. The new Executive Board will stay in office until the end of 2019.

How to Apply for the Executive Board?

The Executive Board consists of a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson (with both campuses represented), and a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of eight (8) members. The Executive Board is elected for a calendar year.  A member of the Representative Council elected to the Executive Board cannot work as a member of the Representative Council for the duration of their term in the Executive Board, (ISYY’s Rules, section 26). All members of the Student Union can apply to the Executive Board.

A call for applicants to the Student Union Executive Board has been issued, and a panel discussion for the applicants will be held on Thursday 11 April in Joensuu (AU102) and Kuopio (SN300) from 5pm to 7pm. You can come and follow the panel in person or watch it via live stream.

If you are interested in working in the Student Union’s Executive Board and wish to join the panel, please contact the Chairperson of your Representative Council group or the Chairperson of the Representative Council by Thursday 11.4. at 3 pm.

Read More: The Live Stream The Chairperson of ISYY Executive Board Leaves Her Position of Trust – a New Executive Board Will Be Elected in April (5.4.2019) The Executive Board The Rules of the Student Union

Additional Information:

Jonni Nykänen, Chairperson of the Representative Council, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8406,

Hannele Mirola, Secretary General (substitute), Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8417,