
ISYY Representative Council’s Meeting 1/2019 on 13.2. at 6 pm

Mon Feb 11 22:40:00 2019

The next meeting (1/2019) of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland’s Representative Council will be held on the 13th February starting at 6 pm in video rooms BOR101 (Joensuu) and SN300 (Kuopio).

The Representative Council Notice of Meeting 1/2019 can be found under Documents: Notices of Meetings > Representative Council Notices of Meeting.

The Representative Council meetings are open for all ISYY members, welcome!

You can also follow the meeting via stream: Stream

Read More: Documents

More Information:

Chairperson of the Representative Council Jonni Nykänen, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland,, tel. p. 044 576 8406

Secretary General Hannele Mirola, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland,, tel. 044 576 8417