ISYY Savo-Karjala Excursion

Tue Apr 02 10:46:00 2019

Savo-Karjala Excursion is one of the most famous and popular May Day celebration traditions of the Student Union (ISYY). During the Excursion, students circle around Eastern Finland on buses on a predetermined route, which will remain as a secret until the buses start their trip. Buses will stop at restaurants and pubs at different locations giving students a chance to enjoy some refreshments (the refreshments are not included in the price of the tour).

The Excursion will start around noonish and last until the late evening. Savo-Karjala Excursion will be organised at Joensuu and Kuopio campuses on Monday 29.4.2019.

Savo-Karjala Excursion: Joensuu

There will be two buses: the first will leave at 11.30am and the second one at 12noon from front of Carelia. The whole length of the trip is 9 h. Ticket sale begins at 8th of April at 10 am. Tickets are sold from the Student Union's (ISYY) office (Haltia building, Yliopistokatu 7). Price 15 € (incl. badge). There's also a possibility to eat during the excursion. Pay on the spot.

Official afterparty will be held at Ilona! Free entry (cloakroom fee 3 €). Student overalls allowed!

Savo-Karjala Excursio: Kuopio

There will be eight buses and they will start their tour between 11 am and 2 pm. Tickets will be sold at ISYY’s Kuopio campus office (Lukema, Yliopistonranta 3) starting from 11.4. at 8 am. The tickets cost 15€ each and it includes the official patch of Savo-Karjala excursion. One person can buy max. two tickets. The tickets will run out soon, so be on time!

Official afterparty will be held at Ilona. The entry is free for everyone.

Read More:

Facebook: Joensuun Savo-Karjala excursio 2019

Facebook: Kuopion Savo-Karjala excursio 2019

More Info:

Joensuu: Juho Mutanen, service planner, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, vapaa-aika@isyy.fi, tel. 044 576 8418

Kuopio: Karoliina Nissinen, Specialist (Organisational Affairs), the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, jarjestoasiantuntija@isyy.fi, tel. 044 576 8419