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ISYY’s Events Related to the Parliamentary Elections 2019

Tue Mar 19 10:21:00 2019

The 2019 Finnish parliamentary elections are scheduled to be held in April. The election day is Sunday the 14th of April and the advance voting between 3rd and 9th of April. Related to the parliamentary elections, the National Union of Student Unions in Finland (SYL) and the Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (SAMOK) have started their election campaing #educationprkl. ISYY is also taking part in it by promoting students' election themes this spring.

ISYY is organising parliamentary elections themed events on both of our campuses. During the weeks 13 and 14, ISYY will arrange Election Fairs, Panel Discussion and Election Infos.

Election Fairs

Election Fair in Joensuu on 26.–27.3.2019 at 10–13, the University of Eastern Finland, Carelia building, Yliopistokatu 4, 80100 Joensuu.

Election Fair in Kuopio on 26.–27.3.2019 at 10–13, the University of Eastern Finland, Snellmania, Yliopistonranta 1, 70600 Kuopio.

On the Election Fairs, you will get to meet candidates for the Finnish Parliament from the following parties: Keskusta, Kokoomus, Kommunistinen työväenpuolue (Kuopio), Kristillisdemokraatit, Liike Nyt, Perussuomalaiset, Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue (Joensuu), Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue, Vasemmistoliitto, Vihreät and Piraattipuolue (Joensuu). 

Panel Discussions

Panel Discussion in Kuopio on 26.3.2019 at 16–18, the University of Eastern Finland, Snellmania building room SN100, Yliopistonranta 1, 70600 Kuopio.

Panel Discussion in Joensuu on 27.3.2019 at 16–18, the University of Eastern Finland, Aurora building room AU100, Yliopistokatu 2, 80100 Joensuu.

On the panel discussions, the panelists are going to answer questions and discuss about themes that are important to students, for example, climate affairs, funding of universities, elevation of the study grants and social welfare and health care reform. On both panels, the panelists inlcude candidates from our electoral district, nine on Kuopio Panel and eight on Joensuu Panel. The panel discussions are open for everyone interested and you can also follow the discussion via live-stream. Unfortunately, the panel discussions will be held only in Finnish. The panels are organised with the regional Student Unions of Universities of Applied Sciences POKA and SAVOTTA. 

Election Infos

Election Info in Joensuu on 1.–2.4.2019 at 10–13, the University of Eastern Finland, Carelia building, Yliopistokatu 4, 80100 Joensuu.

Election Info in Kuopio on 1.–2.4.2019 at 10–13, the University of Eastern Finland, Snellmania building, Yliopistonranta 1, 70600 Kuopio.

Before the advance voting begins, you can meet the ISYY Board at Election Infos. The purpose of the Election Infos is to encourage students to vote and talk about the themes that are important to students in the elections. At the 2015 Finnish Parliamentary Elections, only 47% of young adults (age 18–24) used their votes and at the same time 80% of the 55–69-year-old people voted. Young people should vote more actively because they are the future. 

Advance Voting Event in Joensuu and Advance Voting in Kuopio

On the first day of advance voting, 3rd of March, ISYY is organising an advance voting event in Joensuu campus. Starting at 13.30, we are serving some coffee and tea in front of the Carelia-building and at 14.00 we will go to vote to the Main Library of Joensuu. At the event, after the voting, everyone who joins and votes gets an ISYY’s Vote! overall badge. It is not possible to vote at the Joensuu campus, but the nearest places where you can vote in advcance are the Main Library of Joensuu and the Joensuu Town Hall. 

In Kuopio, you can vote on our campus in advance from 3rd to 9th of April in Studentia-building at ISYY’s office Lukema (Yliopistonranta, entrance through door C). Another place where you can vote in advance nearby is Prisma, where you can vote also on the weekend. When you come to vote at Lukema in advance, you can also pick up ISYY's Vote! overall badge!

Right to Vote

Check on the Vaalit website, who has a right to vote at the Parliamentary Elections: Right to Vote and Compilation of the Voting Register 

Read More: Vote in Advance on the Parliamentary Elections! (2.4.2019) ISYY's Advance Voting Happening in Joensuu Panel Discussion in Kuopio Panel Discussion in Joensuu Link to the live-stream of Panel Discussion

More Information:

Ella Partanen, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, Executive Board Member, tel. 044 576 8407,

Updated on 20.3.2019: Link to the website added, 2.4. information on advcance voting added.