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Suggest a candidate for the acknowledgements at the ISYY Annual Celebration by 4.9.2022

As the Symbol Regulations of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland states, every member and alumni of ISYY has the right to suggest a person to receive a Medal of Honor, Golden and Silver Medal of Distinction and Medal of the Student Union. One person has the right to suggest only one acknowledgement per year. The decision of the acknowledgements will be made by the ISYY Executive Board. 

As the Regulations state, the Medals of Honor and the Golden and Silver Medals of Distinction will be published at the Annual Celebration of the Student Union. The 12th Annual Celebration of ISYY will be held 29th October 2022 in Kuopio at Hotel Isovalkeinen.

With the form you can suggest a person, who you think deserves an acknowledgement from ISYY for their acts towards the Student Union. Descriptions of the acknowledgements can be found from the form page. The suggestions must be delivered no later than 4th September 2022.

You need to fill in your name and email address when filling the form. The personal data that is collected with the form will be removed after the ISYY Executive Board has made the decision about the acknowledgements.

Read more:

Google Forms (opens in a new tab): Suggest a person to receive an acknowledgement from ISYY

More information: 

Sami Tanskanen, Chair of the ISYY Executive Board, The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. +358 44 576 8400, puheenjohtaja(at)isyy.fi