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ISYY Rewarded Distinguished Student Union Actors in its 11th Anniversary Celebration Ceremonies

The 11th Anniversary Celebration of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) was held in Joensuu on December 4th 2021. As part of the ceremonies, ISYY granted three honorary medals and five golden achievement medals for distinguished Student Union actors. 

The first honorary medal was granted to Anna-Kristiina Mikkonen who worked as ISYY’s Secretary General in 2014–2019. Mikkonen has also acted in other SU trustee positions before becoming a Secretary General. She has for example been an SU Executive Board member. The second honorary medal was granted to Erja Leinonen, ISYY’s Accountant. Leinonen has been the Student Union’s accountant for over 20 years and during that time, has provided guidance and help to SU actors in financial issues. The third honorary medal was granted to Harri Siiskonen, the Academic Rector of the University of Eastern Finland in 2017–2019 who showed particular positivity towards students and the ideas of SU. The honorary medal can be granted to persons who have promoted the Student Union’s activities or objectives remarkably with their actions.  

The golden achievement medals were granted to Heikki Junkkari, Tahvo Kekkonen, Elina Kilponen, Juho Pulkka and Juuso Sikiö. The golden achievement medals can be awarded to a person in recognition of their distinguished activities for the Student Union.

In addition to the ones mentioned above, also other achievement medals and municipal medals were granted during the Anniversary Celebrations.

More Information:

Vesa Janhunen, Chairperson of the Executive Board, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8404, puheenjohtaja(at)isyy.fi

Sanna Heinonen, Secretary General, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8417, paasihteeri(at)isyy.fi

Updated on 13.12.2021: Elina Kyyrönen's surname.