The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland
Wed Apr 03 13:43:00 2019
The highlight of the whole academic year, Vappu (May Day), will bring life to Joensuu by introducing a variety of events organised by ISYY and student organisations and clubs.
Traditionally, the students’ Vappu celebrations begin as early as in the middle of April and will culminate in ISYY’s annual Vappu parade, washing the "Torso" and Vappu event at Ilosaari.
Below, you can find a list of the Vappu activities and events on Joensuu campus organised by ISYY. Information on other events related to Vappu can be found on the Facebook event: Joensuun opiskelijavappu 2019, where you can find info also in English (link to the event below).
ISYY organises Vappu events also in Kuopio. You will find links to Kuopio events from below.
29.4. Savo-Karjala excursio (organised by ISYY)
30.4. Vappu eve
- at 12 noon First year forestry students' swimming at Ilosaari (organised by Joensuun Metsäylioppilaat)
- at 3 pm Capping of the Alkukivet stones (organised by Täky ry)
- at 3:15 pm Vappu parade from Carelia (Alkukivet stones) to Ilosaari and capping of the Torso (organised by ISYY)
- from 4 pm to 6 pm Ilosaari (organised by ISYY):
- at 4 pm Student Union’s speech
- at 4:05 pm University Choir Joy
- at 4:20 a dance performance by the SYKETTÄ dance group
- at 4:25 Rytmihäiriköt big band
1.5. Picnic at Ilosaari starting at 12 noon (organised by Rytmihäiriköt ry)
We wish everyone a Vappu state of mind!
Saara Tenhovuori, Executive Board member responsible for academic affairs, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8401,
Juho Mutanen, Service Planner, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8418,
Facebook: Joensuun opiskelijavappu 2019 Facebook event
Facebook: Joensuun Savo-Karjala excursio 2019 Facebook event ISYY's Vappu Celebrations in Kuopio 2019 (3.4.2019)