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Midsummer opening hours in the campus libraries and KUH Medical Library

Midsummer opening hours in the campus libraries and KUH Medical Library

All campus libraries and KUH Medical Library are closed on the Friday (Midsummer’s Eve) 23rd June, 2017.

On the Thursday (the day before the Midsummer’s Eve) the libraries are open as follows:
Joensuu Campus Library 9–14
Kuopio Campus Library 9–14
KUH Medical Library 9–14
Savonlinna Campus Library 9*–14 (Customer service is open from 10am and is closed daily between 12–13)

You can find opening hours and exceptions in them on the UEF Library’s home page.

Joensuu Campus Library is closed between 23rd June and 18th August, 2017.
KUH Medical Library is closed between 3rd and 21st July, 2017.
Savonlinna Campus Library is closed between 3rd and 30th July, 2017.

For more information: lending.services@uef.fi