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ISYY vappu in Joensuu 2018

The highlight of the whole academic year, Vappu (May Day), will bring life to Joensuu by introducing a variety of events, organised by ISYY and student organisations. Traditionally the students’ Vappu celebrations begin as early as in the middle of April and will culminate in ISYY’s annual Vappu parade, washing “Torso” and Vappu event at Ilosaari.

Below, you can find a list of all the Vappu activities and events on Joensuu campus. The list will be updated as events are published.

Wishing everyone a Vappu state of mind!

24.4. Poikkitieteelliset Wappubileet Las Palmasissa

24.4. RajaSpeksi 2018: Sirkus Infernis at Kerubi

25.4. Echo ry: The Murder Mystery 2018

26.4. 8-Appro 2018

28.4. Poikkitieteelliset arvontasitsit

28.4. RajaSpeksi 2018: Sirkus Infernis at Kerubi

29.4. Savo-Karjala Excursion

29.4. Joensuu’s row boat competition

30.4. Vappu eve

At 12:00 First year forestry students’ swimming at Ilosaari
At 15:00 Capping of the “Alkukivi” (Täky ry)
At 15.20 Vappu parade from Carelia to Ilosaari
At 15.45 Arriving to Ilosaari
At 16:00 Student Union’s speech
At 16.20 Music performances of University choir and Rytmihäiriköt big band

At 17- Vappu party at Kerubi!

30.4.The May Day lion hunt 2018

1.5. Vappupiknik Ilosaaressa