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What ISYY: Executive Board

Next in line in the #whatISYY series is the Executive Board of the Student Union.

The ISYY Representative Council selects every year an Executive Board that prepares and carries out the affairs of the Student Union. The Executive Board also decides on the grants for student organisations, gives statements on affairs that concern students and maintains communications between ISYY and the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and other Student Unions across the country.

Each member of the Executive Board has their own area of responsibility.

The Executive Board will be selected every year in November–December. If you want to develop the Student Union and learn new things, apply for the Board! The application announcement will be published on ISYY’s communication channels in late autumn.

This year’s Board will introduce themselves on videos that will be published on ISYY’s Instagram account (@isyyuef) during the upcoming weeks. The videos can also be found later on ISYY’s YouTube channel.

You will find the contact information for the Board members and short introductions also on ISYY’s website.

Read more:

What ISYY: Representative Council
What ISYY: ISYY in a nutshell

ISYY: Executive Board
ISYY: Executive Board contact information