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What ISYY: Representative Council

In February, you will learn more about the people operating in the Student Union as a part of #whatISYY -series. First in order is the highest decision-making body in the Student Union – the Representative Council!

The Representative Council consists of 39 members and is elected every other year at the beginning of November. Main goal for the Council is to ratify the annual action plan and the budget. Basically, the Representative Council decides, what should be done in the Student Union and elects an Executive Board to manage all these functions. The Council also appoints student representatives, for example, to the university’s administrative organs.

The Representative Council meets approximately every other month during the academic year. Meetings are open to all ISYY’s members, and can be watched online or afterwards. ISYY will inform about the upcoming meeting on its website.

The Council is selected for a two-year term and all ISYY’s members have the right to vote and stand as a candidate. Next election will be held in 2019.

Chairpersons of the Representative Council

Jonni Nykänen

I’m Jonni Nykänen, 23-years old dentistry student from Kuopio and the new Chairperson of the Representative Council of ISYY. As a chairperson, I’ll lead Representative Council meetings and work together with the Council and Executive Board.

Previously I’ve been an active member of our Student Organisation, but this is my first year in ISYY’s Repr. Council. I’d like to welcome all of you to join our activities!

Tommi Anttalainen

My name is Tommi Anttalainen and I’m the First Vice President of the Representative Council. This is my second season in ISYY Representative Council. I went to the presiding officers because I believed in my experience to be useful there and I have already known how the Representative Council works.

Brenda Nissén

My name is Brenda Nissén, I study clinical nutrition and I’m the Second Vice President of the Representative Council. This position will let me see and learn how things work round here and I am very pleased to be a part of this.

Read more:

What ISYY: ISYY in a nutshell

ISYY: Representative Council
ISYY: Elections
ISYY: Representative Council contact information