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Changes in the phone numbers of ISYY’s staff

There are some changes in the phone numbers of ISYY’s staff both in Joensuu and Kuopio campus starting from 7.1.2019.

The new phone numbers and staff members they apply to are listed below. The information has been updated to ISYY’s website Contact us > Staff.


Pekka Koivaara, Secretary for Interest Advocacy, Anti-Harassment Contact Person, tel. + 358 44 576 8465 (starting from 7.1.2019)

Hannele Mirola, Office Secretary, tel. + 358 44 576 8449 (starting from 7.1.2019)

Juho Mutanen, Secretary for Recreation and Sports Affairs, tel. + 358 44 576 8418 (starting from 7.1.2019)

Heli Siponen, Coordinator of International Affairs, tel. + 358 44 576 8456 (starting from 7.1.2019)


Sirpa Risto, University Sports Coordinator, tel. +358 44 5768446 (starting from 7.1.2019)

Read more:

ISYY.fi: Staff