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ISYY's Communications Questionnaire 2020: Instagram Has Gained Popularity, Newsletters Still the Most Followed Channel

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) conducted a communications questionnaire for its members from 23 November to 2 December 2020. The aim of the communications questionnaire was to find out which communication channels members follow, how interesting they find communication and on what topics members wish ISYY to communicate more.

A total of 192 responses were received to the communications questionnaire. Thank you to everyone who answered to the questionnaire!

The answers will be taken into account in next year’s communications planning. Responses have also been reviewed with ISYY staff and the Executive Board.

Here are some notes from the questionnaire's results.

Newsletters remain ISYY's most popular communications channel

94 percent of the respondents said that they read Wiikko-Ärsykke (ISYY's Finnish Newsletter). The majority (62 %) of respondents said they read the newsletter weekly. (ISYY also has a similar newsletter in English called Weekly Feed.)

The second most followed ISYY communication channel is Instagram and the third most popular is Facebook.

The majority of the respondents wished that ISYY would communicate more on Instagram (35 %) and Wiikko-Ärsyke (32 %).

The university, events and working life are found interesting

ISYY's communication reaches its members quite well, as the majority (51 %) of the respondents thought that the communication reach deserves a grade of 4 (on a scale of 1 to 5).

However, ISYY should develop its communication to be more interesting. The majority (43 %) of respondents rated communication attractiveness as 3.

Respondents wished that the Student Union would communicate more on issues related to the University, events and working life, as well as on national issues affecting students.

Do you still want to give feedback?

If you want to share ideas for Student Union's communication, you can always contact ISYY's Communications Planner or Executive Board members responsible of communications.

Read more:

Isyy.fi, opens in a new tab: Anwer ISYY’s Communications Questionnaire and You Can Win a Straight outta Itä-Suomi Canvas Bag!

More information:

Iisa Manninen, Communications Planner, Student Union of the University of Eastern FInland (ISYY), tiedotus(at)isyy.fi, tel. 044 576 8426