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Motivation Wednesdays - support for English speaking students and researchers

27.04.2022 - 13.07.2022 |Kaikki

Feeling low or overwhelmed? Can’t find motivation to study? Procrastination is getting the better of you? Or simply, feeling lonely? Maybe in Motivation Wednesday you can find the support you need?

Following the success and popularity among the students of the ‘Tsemppihetki’ (introduced just in the spring 2022), the UEF’s Student and Learning Services want to offer a similar support to English speaking students, PhD and researchers of the university.

The objective of Motivation Wednesday is the students’ and researchers’ improved well-being and their more effective learning and studying through sharing with them psychological and neuroscience knowledge about stress and anxiety control and effective learning as well as techniques to boost learning performance.

The Motivation Wednesday meetings take place weekly on Zoom platform and will last for two hours. The first hour is devoted to knowledge sharing and discussions, the second hour is for the participants’ own use like work, study using the Pomodoro technique.

Each week a new topic will be discussed. The topics will include stress and anxiety management, gaining and sustaining motivation, boosting attention, improving learning effectiveness as well as setting priorities and achieving goals. Participants will gain better understanding of their own emotional and cognitive processes and learn techniques and tools to peak the work performance and find emotional balance at the same time.


Motivation Wednesday will help you identify and organize your objectives and priorities, find the work rhythm attuned to your needs and capacities, you will get effective tools to reduce you stress and anxiety. The Motivation Wednesday will enable you to stay motivated in your work and on your task and achieve the effects, results you seek.

You can join the meeting with or without the microphone and camera. The extent of your participation is entirely up to you. You can also chat anonymously with other attendees. The key principle of Motivation Wednesday is that everyone is feeling secure and comfortable.

The meetings take place on Wednesdays 15.15-17.00 (EET) via Zoom link, link is below.

Join us to better understand yourself and share your thoughts and experiences.

Zoom link

Uef.zoom.us, opens in a new window: Zoom

The Motivation Wednesday sessions topics and dates

30.03. Psychology and biology of stress and anxiety and what can you do to manage and control your stress and anxiety.

6.04. What is behind motivation processes and what are the techniques to sustain your motivation.

13.04. Learning faster and more effectively. 

20.04. Remember to sleep well and enough – how to get the best quality of sleep to work more effectively during the day.

27.04. Control stress and anxiety by stimulating your vagus nerve.

4.05. No session

11.05. Create good habits, break bad ones.

18.05 No session

25.05. Set and achieve goals for you

1.06. Boost your focus, extend your attention span and know when to take a break.

8.06. Time to get more energy – how can you boost your energy?

15.06. Community, colleagues, social contacts – why do we need other people to feel good?

For more information

Joanna Bunikowska, joanna.bunikowska(at)uef.fi