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Valentine's Day BRIDGES events Joensuu

14.02.2022 - 14.02.2022 |Joensuu

Valentine's Day Escape Games

Edit. (10.2.2022): The registration is full!

Welcome on Valentine's Day to solve the trickiest mystery of winter 2022, namely the case of the disappearance of a lost student friend in the Sm4rt LOC escape room game on the Joensuu campus!

The length of the game is about 45 minutes, which includes an introduction to space technology. The event will start at the café in the Educa building, 1st floor. (Tulliportinkatu 1, Joensuu). The actual premises are located in the ground floor rooms E001 and E002 (directly below the café). You can register alone or with a ready-made team, one game can accommodate 6 people at a time. the games are open to everybody. Registration is free and ends no later than 13.2. at 4 pm. In addition, you will receive your own overalls badge for the BRIDGES project to commemorate your participation. Sign up from the link below:

Isyy.fi, opens in a new window: Registration to Valentine's Day Escape Game 

Valentine's Day Walk

Would you go on a Valentine's Day walk with the BRIDGES? The BRIDGES team in Joensuu is organizing a communal walk in honor of Valentine's Day. Before departure at 4 pm, we offer warm juice, chocolates and good company in the winter weather at Carelia's yard! A walk lasts about an hour. In addition, you will receive your own overalls badge for the BRIDGES project to commemorate your participation. A warm welcome to join us!

Also we are challenging all our members to greet oncoming people on campus during the day!

More information:

Riina Pääkkönen, the BRIDGES project coordinator, riina.paakkonen(at)isyy.fi, tel. +358 44 491 6529